Seawater Nasal SpraySeawater-Nasal-SprayMEDICAL DEVICESeawaterNasal Spray Cough and ColdCleanses and frees the nose
Medical Device

Seawater Nasal Spray

Product Overview 

  • Isotonized sea water from sea salt
  • Cleanses and frees the nose
  • From natural sea salt
  • Without preservatives
  • Only natural ingredients

The sea water nasal spray with sea salt is used to clean and moisten the nasal mucous membranes. It frees the nose {{BREAK}} and can also be used to support the treatment of colds (e.g. caused by pollen) and congested nose. The isotonized water contains valuable minerals from sea salt and provides the nasal mucous membrane with the necessary moisture, which supports the regeneration of the nasal mucous membrane.

Other nasal spray variants:

  • Sea water nasal spray sensitive (isotonized sea water from sea salt and dexpanthenol)
  • Sea water nasal spray menthol (isotonic sea salt solution with menthol and eucalyptus aroma)
  • Snuff spray (isotonized sea water with minerals corresponding to a 0.9 % sodium chloride solution and natural aromas of thyme, peppermint and eucalyptus)
  • Decongestant nasal spray (hypertonic linethaler natural brine)
  • Decongestant nasal spray with panthenol (hypertonic saline solution with dexpanthenol).

1 ml solution contains 1 ml isotonized sea water from sea salt

Spray / 20ml

Depending on requirements, 1-2 spray strokes per nostril several times a day for adults and school children, 1 spray stroke (1 spray stroke 0.14ml) for children from 1 to 6 years.

In the case of nasal injuries or after nasal surgery, you should consult your doctor before using the seawater nasal spray. 
For hygienic reasons, the seawater nasal spray should only be used by one person. The seawater nasal spray should not be used at the same time as a cold remedy (e.g. with mucosal decongestant effect). Make sure that there is a sufficient interval between the respective applications.

The sea water nasal spray is free of preservatives and alcohol.  

Product Features